General Dentistry
Same day appointments available
Hygienist Treatment
If your smile is feeling a little lack-lustre, we can help. Regular hygiene appointments can prevent oral diseases, while gently removing every day stains to reveal a beautiful, brighter smile.
Good oral hygiene isn’t just about regular trips to see a hygienist – but it’s definitely a good place to start. A hygiene visit will leave your teeth feeling cleaner and shinier than ever before, and more importantly stronger and healthier too.
We’ll work closely with you to help prevent oral diseases; providing you with advice and tips on how to keep your smile in the very best condition. From the perfect brushing technique through to nutritional guidance, we’ll make sure that good oral hygiene becomes a part of your daily routine.
If fears of painful scraping is delaying your trip to the hygienist, you can be reassured that we use the latest and most comfortable techniques. We’re also highly experienced when it comes to treating nervous patients, and we’ll make sure you’re in control every step of the way.
Frequently asked questions
How often do I need a hygiene visit?
Hygiene recall can vary from every two months to every six months depending on the health of your mouth. The dentist will advise you of the best interval for you.
What to do if my gums are bleeding ?
This is nearly always a sign of gum disease, which is very common and equally very treatable.
What to do – The best thing is to visit either the dentist for a routine check up or at the very least book in for a hygiene treatment to give your teeth and gums a clean and receive advice on how to keep them clean.
I have receding gums, what can I do?
Gum disease can cause the gums to recede to varying extents and this can cause the teeth to appear longer, more yellow, become more sensitive and give the appearance of “gappy” teeth or “black triangles”.
What to do – This can often be a sign of more developed or aggressive gum disease and you should seek urgent advice from your dentist.
- 68 The Street, Ashtead, KT21 1WA